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Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Low Can You Go

March 26, 27 2010 (Friday, Saturday)

Leaving St. George, Utah, we headed southwest on Hwy 15 through the Virgin River gorge, a beautiful stretch of highway that winds for about forty miles through canyons of multi-colored rock, cactus, Joshua Trees and small sage brush. Eventually, the highway crosses into Arizona where the landscape becomes typical high desert (flat, barren and little vegetation) and then crosses the Nevada border as you approach the outskirts of Las Vegas.  We spent one night in “Sin City” at the KOA behind Circus Circus.  We ventured out to the Fitzgerald Casino for their $9.99 rib steak dinner (including salad bar!) and then retreated to our cozy abode.
On Saturday morning we left early, found a nearby Starbucks (had their oatmeal and East Africa Brew—you’ve got to try it) and then headed west on Hwy 160 for Death Valley.  After passing through Pahrump (try saying that with emphasis to The Drummer Boy tune), we entered the Valley, an incredible natural wonder that is beautiful in its stark, austere grandeur. For those who have never driven through the area, we recommend doing it in March when temps are still tolerable. We arrived at Boulder Creek RV Park in Lone Pine early in the afternoon and had time to make a quick drive through the Alabama Hills while our dirty clothes were in the laundry back at the park. We’ve included a few pictures that try feebly to capture the beauty of the area (another must see.)  This may be our last blog entry (weeping and gnashing of teeth in the background) since we head for Carson City tomorrow and then home. (Oh, by the way, the “low” point was minus 282 feet even though the only sign I saw was “Sea Level.”) You’ll see a shot of Mt. Whitney and a couple of the Alabama Hills, site for over 400 Hollywood westerns.

1 comment:

  1. What's that crazy silver looking building????

    I envy you. I sat in an AARP Mature Driver's class all day!!! However, I did get my bike out of lay-away yesterday and tried riding around the parking lot... peddling was okay, I just couldn't steer.

    Pictures are gorgeous!!!! Enjoy your last few days. Thanks for the visual tour.
